Make 4 sentences of comparison : 4 sentences of similarity, 4 sentences of comparative and 4 senteces of auperlative!

Make 4 sentences of comparison : 4 sentences of similarity, 4 sentences of comparative and 4 senteces of auperlative!


4 sentences of comparison:
  1. John is taller than his brother.
  2. The new smartphone is faster than the old one.
  3. The blue dress is more expensive than the red one.
  4. Running is less tiring than cycling.

4 sentences of similarity:

  1. Both Sarah and Emily enjoy playing the piano.
  2. Apples and oranges are both fruits.
  3. My sister and I have the same eye color.
  4. The two movies have similar plot twists.

4 sentences of comparative:

  1. She runs faster than any other athlete in the race.
  2. The weather today is better than yesterday.
  3. The new car is more fuel-efficient than the previous model.
  4. His performance in the exam was worse than expected.

4 sentences of superlative:

  1. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
  2. She is the most talented singer in the choir.
  3. The pizza from that restaurant is the tastiest in town.
  4. It was the happiest day of my life.
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