Make sentences to state the purpose or intention to do something ◦ 5 sentences using in order to ◦ 5 sentences using so that

Make sentences to state the purpose or intention to do something
◦ 5 sentences using in order to
◦ 5 sentences using so that
◦ 5 sentences using so​


5 sentences using "in order to":

  1. I'm studying hard in order to pass the exam.
  2. She saves money in order to buy a new car.
  3. They exercise regularly in order to stay healthy.
  4. He is learning Spanish in order to communicate with his colleagues.
  5. We wake up early in order to catch the morning train.

5 sentences using "so that":

  1. I bought a new phone so that I can take better photos.
  2. She turned on the air conditioner so that the room would cool down.
  3. They left early so that they wouldn't be late for the meeting.
  4. He studied diligently so that he could improve his grades.
  5. We set an alarm so that we wouldn't oversleep.

5 sentences using "so":

  1. I'm hungry, so I'm going to make myself a sandwich.
  2. She finished her work early, so she could go to the movies.
  3. They practiced for hours, so they could perform well on stage.
  4. He bought a new car, so he could travel more comfortably.
  5. We woke up early, so we could catch the sunrise.


Berikut adalah terjemahan dari kalimat-kalimat tersebut:

5 kalimat menggunakan "in order to":

  1. Saya belajar dengan giat untuk lulus ujian.
  2. Dia menabung agar bisa membeli mobil baru.
  3. Mereka berolahraga secara rutin agar tetap sehat.
  4. Dia sedang belajar bahasa Spanyol untuk berkomunikasi dengan rekan kerjanya.
  5. Kami bangun pagi-pagi agar bisa menaiki kereta pagi.

5 kalimat menggunakan "so that":

  1. Saya membeli ponsel baru agar bisa mengambil foto yang lebih baik.
  2. Dia menyalakan AC agar ruangan menjadi lebih dingin.
  3. Mereka pergi lebih awal agar tidak terlambat ke pertemuan.
  4. Dia belajar dengan tekun agar bisa meningkatkan nilai-nilainya.
  5. Kami mengatur alarm agar tidak terlambat bangun.

5 kalimat menggunakan "so":

  1. Saya lapar, jadi saya akan membuat sandwich.
  2. Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya lebih cepat, jadi dia bisa pergi ke bioskop.
  3. Mereka berlatih selama berjam-jam, jadi mereka bisa tampil dengan baik di panggung.
  4. Dia membeli mobil baru, jadi dia bisa bepergian dengan lebih nyaman.
  5. Kami bangun pagi, jadi kami bisa melihat matahari terbit.
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