If you … (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you … (to slip) on the rock. If Rita … (to forget) her homework,

If you … (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you … (to slip) on the rock.
If Rita … (to forget) her homework, the teacher … (to give) her a low mark.

Type II
If you … (to do) an extra job, you … (to earn) extra money.
If we … (to hurry), we … (to catch) the bus.

Type III
If John … (to learn) more words, he … (to write) a good novel.
If he … (to speak) more slowly, Peggy … (to understand) him​


If you wore sandals in the mountains, you would slip on the rock.
If Rita forgot her homework, the teacher would give her a low mark.

Type II:
  • If you did an extra job, you would earn extra money.
  • If we hurried, we would catch the bus.

Type III:
  • If John had learned more words, he would have written a good novel.
  • If he had spoken more slowly, Peggy would have understood him.

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