Write down 2 sentences of conditional sentences(planning)​

Write down 2 sentences of conditional sentences(planning)​

  1. If it rains tomorrow, we will postpone the outdoor picnic and have it indoors instead.
  2. If I pass my exams with flying colors, I will treat myself to a well-deserved vacation.

Contoh lainnya:
  1. If I win the lottery, I will buy a luxurious mansion and travel the world.
  2. If they finish their work on time, we will celebrate with a team dinner.
  3. If I get accepted into my dream university, I will pursue my passion for astrophysics.
  4. If the weather is nice this weekend, we will go for a hike in the mountains.
  5. If I save enough money, I will invest in a small business of my own.
  6. If she studies hard, she will excel in her exams and secure a scholarship.
  7. If they organize a charity event, I will volunteer my time to help those in need.
  8. If we miss the train, we will take a taxi to reach our destination on time.
  9. If he arrives late to the meeting again, we will have to have a serious conversation about punctuality.
  10. If we plan our project effectively, we will meet the deadline and deliver high-quality results.

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