Buatlah contoh kalimat dari make over , make up to , make up for , make for . Masing-masing 1 contoh kalimat .

Buatlah contoh kalimat dari make over , make up to , make up for , make for . Masing-masing 1 contoh kalimat .

Buatlah contoh kalimat dari "make over", "make up to", "make up for", dan "make for". Masing-masing 5 contoh kalimat.

Jawaban :
Make over:
a. She decided to make over her bedroom with new furniture.
b. The company plans to make over its image through a rebranding campaign.
c. The interior designer will make over the living room into a modern space.
d. The hairstylist offered to make over her client's hairstyle for a fresh look.
e. The makeover show will transform ordinary people's appearances.

Make up to:
a. He apologized to his friend to make up to her for his mistake.
b. She bought flowers to make up to her mother after an argument.
c. He cooked a special dinner to make up to his partner for forgetting their anniversary.
d. The child gave his sister a toy to make up to her for breaking her favorite doll.
e. She wrote a heartfelt letter to make up to her best friend for not attending her wedding.

Make up for:
a. She worked extra hours to make up for the time she took off last week.
b. He donated a large sum of money to make up for his absence at the charity event.
c. The team trained intensively to make up for their previous defeat.
d. They offered a discount to make up for the inconvenience caused by the delayed delivery.
e. The student studied diligently to make up for the poor grade on the previous exam.

Make for:
a. The sunny weather makes for a perfect day at the beach.
b. The spacious backyard makes for a great venue for outdoor parties.
c. Her enthusiasm and energy make for an engaging presentation.
d. The calm atmosphere makes for a relaxing evening at home.
e. The scenic view from the hilltop makes for a picturesque photo opportunity.

  • "Make over" merujuk pada mengubah atau memperbarui sesuatu, seperti tampilan, ruangan, atau penampilan.
  • "Make up to" berarti melakukan sesuatu untuk memperbaiki hubungan atau memperlihatkan penyesalan setelah kesalahan.
  • "Make up for" mengacu pada melakukan sesuatu untuk mengganti atau mengisi kekurangan, atau memperbaiki suatu situasi.
  • "Make for" berarti menciptakan atau menyebabkan kondisi atau situasi tertentu, biasanya dengan konotasi positif.

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