Text; When I was a tenth grader, I and my cousin spent our school holiday in my grandfather’s house.

When I was a tenth grader, I and my cousin spent our
school holiday in my grandfather’s house. His house was so far away from the
city and close to fruit and vegetable farms. We spent three days there and did
many new things. We went fishing, played football in the field and helped our
grandpa in the farm.

It was a sunny friday afternoon. At
around 04:00 p.m., My cousin, I and the local kids played football. At first,
it was really fun until I kick the ball too strong. The ball rolled into a large
strawberry farm near the field. We saw many red and juicy strawberries when we
were searching for the ball between the rows of strawberry plants. We felt so
tempted to pick them up. We looked for Ms. Lucy, the owner of the farm, to ask
for her permission but we couldn't find her. Then, we picked some strawberries
and ate them in a rush. Suddenly, we heard a voice. When we wanted to run away,
Ms. Lucy came. She was surprised to see us but she didn't say anything. We were
very afraid and didn't know what to do. Then, my cousin told us to run. We ran
as fast as we could but my cousin tripped on his own foot and sprained his left
arm. He screamed in pain. Ms. Lucy heard the scream and she helped us took my
cousin to a clinic with her van. We were very ashamed and apologized for what
we had done. Ms. Lucy forgave us and made us promise her not to do this act

My cousin was hospitalized for a week.
He regretted his fault and learned precious lesson from the incident. Since
that Friday afternoon, he never does the same mistake and every time we go to
my grandfather's house, he and I always go and help Ms. Lucy in her strawberry

the following questions!

6. What is type of the text above?

7. What did the writer and the cousin do in
their school holiday in their grandfather?

8. What did they see and do after they were
searching for the ball?

9. Why was the cousin hospitalized?

10. Who is Lucy?


  1. The type of the text above is a narrative.
  2. They spent their school holiday in their grandfather's house, which was far away from the city and close to fruit and vegetable farms. They went fishing, played football in the field, and helped their grandpa in the farm.
  3. While searching for the ball between the rows of strawberry plants, they saw many red and juicy strawberries and felt tempted to pick them up. They picked some strawberries and ate them in a rush.
  4. The cousin was hospitalized because he tripped on his own foot and sprained his left arm while running away from Ms. Lucy's farm after they were caught picking strawberries without permission.
  5. Lucy is the owner of the strawberry farm near the field where the writer and the cousin were playing football. She caught them picking strawberries without permission and helped take the cousin to a clinic after he sprained his arm. She forgave them and made them promise not to do it again.

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