Make 10 request sentences and 10 commond sentences!

Make 10 request sentences and 10 commond sentences!


10 Request Sentences:
  1. Could you please pass me the salt?
  2. Can you lend me a hand with this heavy box?
  3. Would you mind helping me with my homework?
  4. Could you spare a few minutes to talk?
  5. Can you please turn down the volume a bit?
  6. Would you be so kind as to fetch me a glass of water?
  7. Could you possibly pick up some groceries on your way home?
  8. Can you lend me your car for a quick errand?
  9. Would it be possible for you to cover my shift at work tomorrow?
  10. Could you kindly provide me with some information about the upcoming event?
10 Command Sentences:
  1. Close the door, please.
  2. Take out the trash before it starts to smell.
  3. Finish your homework before you go out to play.
  4. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  5. Clean up your room right away.
  6. Be quiet during the movie.
  7. Wash your hands before dinner.
  8. Pay attention and follow my instructions carefully.
  9. Put your phone on silent mode during the meeting.
  10. Wait here until I come back.

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