Make 4 Sentences by using WILL which: 4. Express Certinity : 2 sentences 5. Express offers/ invitation : 2 sentences

Make 4 Sentences by using WILL which:
4. Express Certinity : 2 sentences
5. Express offers/ invitation : 2 sentences


Here are four sentences using "will" to express certainty and make offers/invitations:

Expressing Certainty:
  1. The train will arrive at 9:00 AM sharp.
  2. I'm confident that she will pass the exam with flying colors.
Making Offers/Invitations:
  1. Will you join me for a cup of coffee?
  2. I will gladly help you with your project if you need any assistance.
In these sentences, "will" is used to express a high degree of certainty about future events or outcomes. It is also used to make polite offers or extend invitations to someone.

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